A 13 year Male child came with complains of swelling of the body starting from the periorbital area for 8 days and then pitting oedema on the legs for 2 days.There is no history of fever but he complains of headache, temporal aggravated by heat and there is Blurring of vision as well.
He complains of occassional productive cough with blood stained sputum.
No H/O sore throat, TB or other disease in tha past.
He is staying at hostel and his senior has tuberculosis.
GC: fair
Vitals: BP=140/100, rest stable
JALCyClOD= Pitting Edema, Bilateral legs
Chest/CVS/PA= No Abnormality detected
local: legs=pustular, echtymic rashes.
Xray: fluffy infiltrates bilateral
Urine:frothy,albumin ++,RBC-,pus cell-normal
Photo of rashes: