Stretch Mark: Do you Have it?

Stretch marks

Defn:Stretch marks are thin, stretched tissue. They appear in people who put on or lose weight rapidly. The upper layer of the skin is normal, but in the lower layer the collagen and elastin, which give the skin its strength and elasticity,become thinner and broken.At first, they look reddish-purple. The purplish colour then fades to white, which is simply fat under the skin showing through.

Risk Group
Pregnancy:breast and abdomen during pregnancy.
IdiopathicSome women have weaker collagen than others, so are more likely to get stretch marks.
Too quick slimming and bodybuilders can get stretch marks on the upper arms, chest and thighs.
Growing adolescents can get them on their backs, where they look like a series of horizontal lines.

Treatment:They are permanent.Collagen creams.Cocoa butter creamLasers can be used to treat stretch marks at an early stage, when they are still red.Tretinoin is another approach to the treatment of early stretch marks.Surgery is a possibility for tummy stretch marksPreventiion:If you are overweight, aim to lose it slowly (do not aim to lose more than 0.5 kg (1 lb) a week.Baby oil applied to abdomen can be helpful for pregnants

Ascites_ Most common causes

Most common Ascites causes (90% of cases)
Cirrhosis (Cirrhotic Ascites)
Cancer (Malignant Ascites)
Congestive Heart Failure
Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Causes by locationPeritoneal sourceTuberculosisBacterial, fungal or parasitic diseaseCancer (Malignant Ascites)
Whipple's Disease
Familial Mediterranean fever
Starch peritonitis
Extra-peritoneal sourceCirrhosis (Cirrhotic Ascites)
Congestive Heart Failure
Budd-Chiari Syndrome
Nephrotic Syndrome
Protein-losing enteropathy
Ovarian disease (e.g. Meigs' Syndrome)
Pancreatic disease
Chylous Ascites