Top Deadliest Diseases

Q: What is the deadliest disease in the world?
A: The results of ranking the leading causes of death are subject to the cause categories used. The broader the cause categories used, the more likely they will rank among the top leading causes of death.According to the estimates in The world health report 2004, there were 57 million deaths in the world in 2002. The broad category of all "noncommunicable diseases" killed 33.5 million people; communicable diseases, maternal and perinatal conditions, and nutritional conditions killed 18.3 million people worldwide; and external causes of injuries killed 5.2 million people.When analysing at disaggregated level, the following are the leading causes of death:No.CauseEstimated number of deaths (in millions)

  1. Heart disease
  2. Cerebrovascular disease
  3. Lower respiratory infections
  5. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  6. Perinatal conditions
  7. Diarrhoeal diseases
  8. Tuberculosis
  9. Malaria
  10. Trachea, bronchus, lung cancers
  11. Road traffic accidents
  12. Diabetes mellitus

1 comment:

waliz said...

i always thought aids or hiv..thanks for the info..very informative blog